It’s important that we understand what can and cannot be changed as far as the public school system and this curriculum is concerned.
We often swallow the trauma and violence we deal with, smiling and accepting it graciously with the goal of helping our children.
Inclusive Design puts identity right in the centre of the conversation and asks educators to consider who children are
Racism and trauma on brain development of children from early years to their teens must be considered, especially in light of social determinants of health.
One year later, it feels like we are fighting a rising tide of hate released by the Conservative Party of Canada.
Excellent leaders can articulate who are the students in their schools, who is over/under-represented and identify which voices have been missing
The current systems and structures lead to the oppression of particular groups of people, and we have a duty to work toward addressing this.
For too long, there have been persistent gaps affecting Indigenous, Black, racialized and marginalized students.
Thousands of people gathered on Sunday October 15 at Queens Park in Toronto to protest the rise of White Supremacy across Canada. Though this demonstration was followed by the passage of Bill 62 in Quebec and the Prime Minister’s refusal to challenge it. Canadian Muslims are increasingly feeling uncertain about their rights in Canada.
While many Canadians look at the politics in the U.S. with confusion and frustration, a more informed reading of our Canadian context highlights our reality may be heading in a similar direction. Silence by the political centre can lead us down the same road as our neighbours south of the border.