Dear brown people : a warning i m about to wash some to wash some dirty linen in public consider this an overdue act of though love. by, Shree Paradkar
This webinar happened with Dr. Vidya Shah and Dr. Herveen Singh on June 19th – it was a discussion about how Brown Complicity, Brown Fragility and Brown Privilege often works (at times without people realizing it) to uphold White Supremacy.
This series is an important contribution to education policy in Canada. We compiled these articles because they deserve to be shared widly and to embolden more people.
If the school year in September 2018 had begun under the cloud of a repealed modern sex-education curriculum in Ontario, cancelled Indigenous curriculum writing projects and $100 million cuts in school repairs, by early April the drumbeat of unrest had only escalated.
When Grade 12 student Charlotte Birungi moved to Canada from Uganda three years ago, teachers at her York school chose her courses for her.
What could education look like if every innovative voice from the classroom to the superintendent boardroom was shared and amplified globally?
What could education look like if every innovative voice from the classroom to the superintendent boardroom was shared and amplified globally?
It may be uncomfortable. It will be tough. And it requires “asking the hard questions” and listening to difficult truths from people who don’t usually have the floor.